
Whether it is for pairs trading or risk management, two natural questions to ask before putting copula for use are: How to draw samples from a copula? How should one fit a copula to data? The necessity of fitting is quite obvious, otherwise, there is no way to calibrate our model for pairs trading or risk analysis using historical data.

For sampling, it is mostly for making a Q-Q plot against the historical data as a sanity check. Note that a copula natively cannot generate future price time series since it treats time series data as independent draws from two random variables, and thus has no information regarding the sequence, which is vital in time series analysis. One way to think about sampling from a copula trained by time series is that it gives the likelihood of where the next data point is going to be, regardless of the input sequence.

Let’s Solve a Mystery.

Suppose that you encountered a promising pair of stocks that move closely together, the spread zig-zagged around 0 like some fine needle stitching that sure looks like a nice candidate for mean-reversion bets. What’s more, you find out that the two stocks’ prices for the past 2 years are all nicely normally distributed. Great! You can avoid some hairy analysis for now. Therefore you fit them as a joint-normal distribution for some sanity check and immediately find that it doesn’t look as promising anymore:

For the past two years, there were some major market events, during which the stocks moved together upwards or downwards, depending on if it was good news or bad news. Your bivariate Gaussian model, in contrast, says that such co-moves are very unlikely to happen since they are so close to the tails of the distribution and you better ignore it. What is more annoying is that the stocks tend to move downward together more than going upward, and the bivariate Gaussian distribution says it should be symmetric.

So what went wrong? For this mini example, there are two major pitfalls present: