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Model Interpretability: The Model Fingerprint Algorithm

“The complexity of machine learning models presents a substantial barrier to their adoption for many investors. The algorithms that generate machine learning predictions are sometimes regarded as a black box and demand interpretation. Yimou Li, David Turkington, and Alireza Yazdani present a framework for demystifying the behavior of machine learning models. They decompose model predictions into linear, nonlinear, and interaction components and study a model’s predictive efficacy using the same components. Together, this forms a fingerprint to summarize key characteristics, similarities, and differences among different models.”

Mlfinlab 0.5.2 Release Notes

In the last 4 months the research team has been focused on wrapping up the final chapters of Advances in Financial Machine Learning as well as a few extra papers from the Journal of Financial Data Science. We are very excited that 2020 comes with the release of 3 new financial machine learning textbooks which promise many rewarding tools.

The Single Futures Roll

Building trading strategies on futures contracts has the unique problem that a given contract is for a short duration of time, example the 3 month contract on wheat. In order to build a continuous time series across the different contracts we stitch them together, most commonly using an auto roll or some other function.